4 Quotes & Sayings By Allison Winn Scotch

Allison Winn Scotch is an American author of women’s fiction, mostly set in the Pacific Northwest. She has written over twenty-five novels, many of which have been turned into movies. Her works include the popular "Seattle" series, as well as standalone novels such as Tempting Fate and The Bachelor Auction.

Happiness is what you choose, what you follow, not what...
Happiness is what you choose, what you follow, not what follows you. These are the things I have seen, these are the things I now know, these are the things I will carry with me as I go. Allison Winn Scotch
...I realize that lessons are meant to be learned, honored even, or else you can spend your life running so far from them that you erect a false existence around the very thing you should be embracing. Allison Winn Scotch
Outside, with Labor Day having come and gone, summer is fighting a dying battle against the fall air. The leaves are hanging perilously on the trees, knowing full well they're going to make the plunge, clinging on as if they stand a chance not to. The garbage smell that has wafted around us for the better part of August is dissipating, ushered out with the humidity, and in its place a briskness is filtering in, like something you'd smell from a bottle of Tide. Allison Winn Scotch